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Defining Riley (A Harper's Rock Legacy Novel Book 4) Read online

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  “No.” Riley felt his whole-body flush with anger. “It’s not fair. We spend our summers together.”

  “I know. But I have no choice.”

  “Why does he want to have you all of a sudden,” Riley murmured. “I hate this!”

  “Me too,” Samantha whispered as she rested her head on his shoulder. “Maybe if I act like a brat he’ll send me home.”

  “Maybe. We can always hope.”

  “Yeah. We have a week, though. What should we do to make the best of it?”

  “Well, tonight we can go to Movie and a Pizza Place then tomorrow we can take our leftovers up to the rock and spend the day there.”

  “Sounds fun. We should probably go now.”

  “Yeah.” Riley agreed with little enthusiasm.

  RILEY WASN’T LOOKING forward to the morning. He would have to say goodbye to Samantha for almost three months. He wanted to scream but that would only get Terry’s attention and a lecture about how he was following in his footsteps with the temper. He definitely wasn’t up to that.

  Moments after he finally dozed off, his phone buzzed on the nightstand. It was one a.m. and there was a message from Sammi. She was probably having trouble sleeping.

  “You up? Call me please!” were the words he read off his phone screen. Without hesitation, he hit speed dial.


  “Hey, what’s up? Why are you crying?”

  “I got a call from Daddy earlier. He’s not coming to get me tomorrow or at all this summer.”

  “Well, that’s good news. Why are you crying?”

  “He’s not coming because they decided to take, and I quote, a last minute trip to Disney World as a family,” she sobbed. “I’m part of his family too but he just pushes me aside.”

  “I’m sorry, Samantha. I can’t imagine how much those words must have hurt. He’s such a jerk.”

  “I know,” she agreed. “But he’s my dad.”

  “He doesn’t deserve you!”

  “I know,” Sammi said with a shaky sigh. “It just hurts that’s all.”

  “Believe me, I know. I wish I could see you.”

  “Can you come over, please?”

  Riley stood up to walk around. They both already knew the answer. “I’m fifteen miles out of town. How would I get there?”

  “Maybe I could get my cousin to drive you. He just got his own car and loves to drive just about all the time.”

  Twenty minutes later, after crawling out his bedroom window, Riley climbed into Skeeter Jacob’s used Toyota truck and twenty minutes after that, he made his way into Samantha’s bedroom window.

  “It’s so good to see you,” Samantha sobbed softly as she hugged him. “Why do our dads hate us so much?”

  “I don’t know.” He released her and led her over to the bed where they sat side by side with their backs against the headboard. “I have this dream where I wake up one day and Terry is how he used to be. He offers to help me practice before football tryouts and he drives me over to see you or to the theater any time I want, and...and every day he tells me he loves me.”

  Samantha leaned against him and he put his arms around her. “It’s like he blames you for your mother’s death.”

  “I know, and I don’t understand why. It was a freak car accident in a freak snow storm. I was at home with him.”

  “I think my parents had to get married,” she whispered. “Maybe that’s why he does this. Maybe he never wanted me.”

  “Why do you think that?”

  “I heard them arguing a few weeks ago and I swore I heard my mom say the wrong date for their wedding anniversary.”

  “Huh,” Riley mused. “I wonder if that’s it.”

  They sat holding each other and listening to the clock tick for a half-hour before Samantha got a text on her phone. “Skeeter wants to know when you want to go home.”

  “Never,” Riley whispered with a grin. “I’m actually not sure. I’m not ready yet, though.”

  “Okay,” she said with a yawn and texted her cousin.

  They woke the next morning when Samantha’s mom came into the room. “I guess we need new window locks. Riley, does your dad know where you are?”

  “I’m not sure ma’am. He was passed out drunk when I left. He may or may not have read my note by now.”

  “Well, I’m sure if he wants you, he’ll call. Why don’t you have breakfast with us.”

  “Yes, ma’am,” Riley said with a grin. “Thank you.”

  A SUMMER OF EXPLORING and fun, with an emphasis on seeing their fathers as little as possible, quickly turned into eight grade and many changes for the teens in the second half of the year. In April, shortly after Samantha turned fourteen, she changed. Her lack of interest in being away from home and her decreased energy became a major part of their daily lives. She seemed to be under the weather, but with no medical explanation. And by the end of the summer before their freshman year, she’d been diagnosed with cancer and was moving to Denver for treatment options she couldn’t get in Harper’s Rock or even Casper.

  Riley was distraught but not for the reason most people thought. He was forced away from his best friend as she fought for her life. Most people thought it was because he’d had to say goodbye to the girl he loved. But just days before Samantha revealed her diagnosis, he’d been planning to break up with her or at least scale things back. Their relationship had changed over the last couple of years, Riley was letting his dad’s anger get to him and he was preparing to be the school bully while Samantha was, well she was just as sweet and kind as ever. He felt they were growing apart. But when she told him the terrible news he hadn’t had the heart to break things off.



  “IS THERE SOMETHING in the sand box worth seeing or are you just deep in thought?”

  Riley looked up into the most gorgeous blue eyes he’d ever seen. “Thinking,” he mumbled.

  “Mind if I ask what about? Feel free to tell me to get lost.”

  Riley laughed. He could really use someone to talk to and a stranger just might be the best choice. “I was about to break up with my girlfriend, who has also been my best friend for seven years when she was diagnosed with cancer and moved away for treatment.”

  “Whoa, that’s tough. Let me guess, you didn’t break up with her after all so now you are feeling bad for not wanting her anymore while also feeling bad because she’s sick.”

  “Something like that. What’s your story?”

  The boy leaned back on the bench and spread his arms out across the back. “Nothing as emotional as yours. I was a BMX racer and I got hurt so career over at fourteen. There were too many memories in Casper so my parents moved us here to be close to my aunt who lives in Buffalo.”

  “Wow, man. I’m sorry about the injury. That must really suck.”

  “It does,” the stranger said. “But, what am I going to do.”

  “For what it’s worth, I think you’ll like it here. Harper’s Rock is pretty cool.”

  The boy nodded and smiled. “So, do you mind if I ask why you were breaking up with your girl?”

  “I’m not sure,” Riley admitted. “We seem to be growing apart. I’m going to be running in a different circle next year and she is so sweet and innocent and doesn’t deserve to be changed.”

  “So, it wasn’t because she was sick?”

  Riley stared at him without blinking. “Oh man, I never thought about that possibility. She was acting differently for a while before the diagnosis. But wouldn’t that make me a dick if that was the reason?”

  “Probably,” the boy chuckled. “But I don’t think you would be like that. Your first reason fits better.”

  “I hope so.”

  “Hey man, I’m sorry if I dredged something up. I was just thinking out loud.”

  Riley sighed. “It’s okay. I don’t even know what to think anymore anyway.”

  The boy laughed again. “Why don’t we suspend thinking for a while and go to that arcade,
pizza, theater thingy.”

  “Sure, sounds fun. You’re going to love Movie and a Pizza Place. I’m Riley Johnson by the way.”

  “Hey, Riley. I’m Aidan St. George.” He smiled big and Riley forgot all about the turmoil in his heart and head.

  OVER THE NEXT FEW WEEKS, Aidan kept Riley’s mind off his issues with Samantha. They hung out every day and became fast friends. Riley’s dad still made him hang out with the other rancher kids but every chance he got, he took solace with his new buddy.

  “Hey, what do you want to do tonight?” Aidan asked Riley over the phone.

  “I can’t do anything,” he grumbled. “I don’t have a way to get into town. I hate living on the ranch.”

  “My mom will come get you and take you home. I already asked.”

  “Oh cool. I’m getting a call from Sammi in about twenty minutes, so anytime after that is okay.”

  “We’ll be there in an hour.”

  Riley hung up the phone and went to the kitchen for a drink. By the time he made it back to his room, his phone rang.

  “Hey, Sammi.”

  “Hey, Ri. How are you?”

  “I’m fine. You sound tired.”

  “Yeah, the treatments take a lot out of me. I read, watch TV and throw up all day.”

  “I’m sorry.” His voice was quiet and choked up. The guilt was not being kind to him. “I wish I could help.”

  “I know. At least we can still talk to each other and we’ll be able to video chat on CHATLY when...” her voice tapered off.

  “When what, Sammi?”

  “When I get up the courage to let you see me with little to no hair.”

  “Bald is beautiful, silly girl.” The tears fought him every step of the way but he was determined to win. When Samantha laughed his turmoil calmed just enough.

  “You’re the best, Ri. I’ve got to go. I love you.”

  “I love you too.” Even though he wasn’t truly lying when he said them, the words nearly choke him. His love for her was different than hers for him.

  Riley got off the phone and straightened his room before heading outside to wait for Aidan. A really violent, active video game was exactly what he needed.

  “Hey, do you mind if we stop at the store?” Aidan asked as Riley climbed into the back seat. “Mom is going to buy us some snacks. She has to run up to Sheridan for a while.”

  “Nah, that’s fine,” Riley said hesitantly.

  “Don’t worry, I’ll be back in time to take you home,” Mrs. St. George commented with a smile.

  Riley relaxed and started talking to Aidan and by the time they arrived at the final destination, they were ready to battle it out in front of the game console.

  “You set things up and I’ll make us some food,” Aidan suggested. And soon they were locked in a head to head battle.

  “Man, that was fun,” Riley said plopping down on the couch next to Aidan. “I’d say let’s go again, but I think I need a little break.”

  “Yeah, me too. I’m going to clean this mess up and do the dishes so my mom doesn’t freak.”

  “Okay, I’m going to the bathroom then I’ll help.” When Riley got to the kitchen, he walked in slow and deliberate. “Aidan, I walked by your room and the door was open.”

  Aidan turned to him. “And now you know why I never let you in there before.”


  “Did you see the hot half naked firefighters calendar or the picture of me and my ex-boyfriend?”

  “The picture,” Riley said grabbing a towel and starting to dry a plate.”

  “So...” Aidan asked. “Are you mad, disgusted, surprised?”

  Riley turned to him with a smile. “I’m intrigued.”

  “Say what?”

  “I’m pretty sure I’m Bi. I’ve been attracted to you since I first saw you smile.”

  Aidan put the dish he was washing down and dried his hands. “Shit. Same here. But...”

  “But I have a girlfriend.”

  “Yeah. I know it’s pretty much in name only but it still feels weird.”

  “Like I’d be cheating,” Riley whispered.

  “Yeah, damn it.” Aidan moved over to Riley and pulled him close. Their lips met and neither of them could think about anything else.

  “Riley are you ready to go home?”

  The boys scattered apart but their eyes stayed locked. “I am, Mrs. St. George. I’ll be right there.”

  “We’ll talk later,” Aidan whispered finally looking away.

  “I look forward to it.”

  AT MIDNIGHT, RILEY laid down and plugged his phone in. He’d waited as long as he could for a call from Aidan. When it didn’t come, he’d mumbled a goodnight to his dad and fled to his room. Now he closed his eyes but Aidan’s face and the memory of their kiss plagued him...and aroused him. Just when he thought it might be time to do something about it, his phone buzzed.

  “Hey, you awake?” Aidan’s text read.

  “Yeah. Can’t sleep thinking of you.”

  “Same here. LOL, I liked the kiss.”

  Riley stood up from his bed and walked the length of his room. Me too. I’ve been thinking...”

  “Come on, man. Don’t leave me hanging!”

  “Maybe I should tell Samantha that I need some space. I...I think I want to be with you.”

  Aidan’s reply was short but impactful. “Same!!!!!”

  Riley laughed out loud then quieted himself. It was highly unlikely that he would wake Terry from his drunken stupor, but just in case... “I’ll tell her when we talk on Wednesday.”

  “Okay. Get some sleep. Talk to you tomorrow.”

  “Not likely on the sleep. LOL Goodnight.”

  RILEY AND AIDAN DIDN’T see much of each other at school. It was expected that rancher kids spend their academic time with others of their kind. It was two weeks after their first kiss that they were able to get together again.

  “Hey, come on in,” Aidan said with a big smile as he answered the door.

  Riley looked around the house trying to discern if anyone was home.

  “We’re alone,” Aidan chuckled. “Have a seat, I’ll be right back.” When he returned, he was carrying a soda.

  “Thanks,” Riley murmured. He was about to break Aidan’s heart and he couldn’t stand it. “So, uh, how have you been?”

  “We talk every night, Ri. You know how I’ve been.”

  “Right,” Riley whispered feeling his face flush. That was not what he’d originally wanted to say.

  “So...” Aidan drew out. “How did things go with Samantha?”

  “Uh...” This was it. There was no hope for him and Aidan. “It’s done. We broke up.” Guilt swept over him like a wave and for a moment he thought he was drowning. But in the end, his head stayed above water. Barely.

  “Yes!” Riley couldn’t help but smile. Aidan was so happy and that was a gorgeous thing. “So, uh, what does that mean for us?”

  “I...I guess we try to become a couple. Have you come out to anyone yet?”

  Riley laughed but stopped when he saw the distress on his friend’s face. “I’m sorry, it’s just...my dad, my rancher kid friends, they’d probably lynch me. There’s only one person who knows and that is another gay rancher kid. I...It’s just not possible to tell anyone right now.”

  “Your dad wouldn’t really hurt you, would he?”

  “Yeah, A. this isn’t just about being disowned or ridiculed. My dad has hurt a gay before. Imagine if he found out his only son liked boys.”

  Aidan’s demeanor changed to sadness. “I...yeah, I’m actually surprised your dad doesn’t hit you already. I’m afraid he will someday anyway. So...I guess we keep us a secret from everyone.”

  “I’m sorry, Aidan. Your parents know about you, though, right?”

  “Yeah, but I’ve never really brought a boy home. They’d always assume we wouldn’t behave ourselves. If my mom hadn’t thought you were straight as an arrow she wouldn’t have gone to Sheridan when you were ov
er that day.”

  “Do parents ever trust their kids when it comes to sex?” Riley laughed.

  “It’s frustrating,” Aidan agreed. “I’m not even ready for all of that yet. But kissing is okay.”

  “Good,” Riley said inching closer. “I was hoping you’d say that.”



  RILEY AND AIDAN BECAME close over the next couple of years. They spent all their free time together and about the time of their sixteenth birthdays, they became intimate. Friday nights, when Aidan’s mom worked graveyard and his dad was out on the oil rig, was when the boys made it a point to spend the night together.

  Riley kissed Aidan and rolled away from him. “I’ll be right back, I have to pee.” When he was done and returned to the bedroom, he noticed Aidan shaking, holding the phone he’d left by the bed.

  “You got a message, Ri,” Aidan snapped. “Hey, Ri! You’ll be happy to know your girlfriend is cancer free for the moment. If I stay that way for six months, my mom might consider moving back.”


  “When did you get back together with her?”

  “Come on, A. Don’t do this. She’s been so sick for the last two years.”

  “When!” Aidan nearly screamed.

  Riley sat on the bed and put his hand on Aidan’s arm. “We...we never broke up,” he whispered.

  Aidan jerked his arm away and got out of bed. “You’ve been lying to me for two years?”

  “I’m sorry, A. It’s not like Samantha and I are still really a couple. We talk on the phone once a week, that’s it.”

  “And I bet you say I love you before you hang up,” Aidan huffed.

  Riley looked away from his boyfriend. “I do love her, though. She’s my best friend.”

  “You’re leading her on,” Aidan murmured.

  “I know. And not a day goes by that I don’t feel guilty.”

  “Then why do you do it!”

  “She’s fought cancer twice. She’ll probably fight it again. She most likely won’t live to be an adult. I want her to be happy until then.”